Banner of 2016's international PHP conference in Munich

International PHP conference Munich

This spring we got the opportunity to give a talk about architecture of our new component at the PHP Usergroup Hamburg. We named it "Don't feat the walking dead." It went really well so that we got the opportunity to give this talk again at the international PHP conference (IPC) in munich. Every speaker got a ticket for all 3 conference days plus both workshop days. I had a look into schedule and found an amazing long list of really interesting topics. For the first workshop day I saw a PHP7 full day workshop. Day 2 to 4 I even found for every single slot at least one session I'd love to see. On second workshop day there was only a symfony full day workshop which caught my interest. I decided to skip this because I had a similar workshop before and I work with symfony for years already. The IPC started on a sunday so I only would need only 3 days of work approved. I discussed the topic with my boss and asked if it would be ok to go for all 4 days (Sun - Wed) to the conference in munich and work the other 2 days in Gilching office. It wasn't an issue at all.

I went on Sunday morning quite early by airplane to munich and joined the workshop about PHP7. It was held by Sebastian Bergmann, Arne Blankerts and Stefan Priebsch from They've split the workshop in 4 parts.

  1. What's new in PHP7?
  2. How a PHP7 setup should look like?
  3. How to migrate to PHP7?
  4. Questions and Answers?

Each of the guys presented one part and talked in detail about it. Especially they gave a lot of examples on what you never should have done and never should start doing. They told us about php7cc too and I immediately tried our code with it. The command showed that our own newly developed component is PHP7 compatible. Only some of our vendors show errors we should look at.
I actually learned a lot during this workshop and enjoyed getting an update first hand on new features in PHP7.1

First slide of our talks Don't fear the walking dead

1st conference day started for me by listening to a talk about web security. My favourite point was about read-only fields. If it is read-only in your form, it still might be writable during form-data processing. Around lunchtime there was a nice discussion on stage about all the things happened since PHP7 got released. PHP7 ias nearly one year old. Time is flying by. On top they gave us some hints which new features will be in PHP7.1 like void return type. In the afternoon I listened to Michael Haeuslmann. He was showing us a great new tool which will help to find hidden dependencies inside php projects.

Last Session of the day was our own. I gave the talk about Fury and "Don't fear teh walking dead" together with Sebastian Heuer. Fury our new fast, reliable and beautiful component. It's sitting in front of our monolithic zombie and takes over parts of it. The room was full. Some people had to stand in the back. We must have done a good job because not a single person left during the presentation. This time we got a couple of good and interesting questions to fill up the 60 minutes we've got for our talk. Even during next days quite a lot of people approached me and asked more questions about Fury structures behind it. It was great. After our session was finished all speakers were invited for dinner. We went to a French restaurant with very good quality food and the meat was just amazing.

Tuesday was less about frontend topics and more about APIs and Software environments. I started my day with listening to a talk about API-Security. Christoph Wiechmann was explaining very well how OAuth and other Social Auth technologies are working. Afterwards I went to a really interesting talk about how to automate CI Pipelines by using Docker. Paul Dragoonis explained really fast and in such a detail how he's setting up branching environments. He showed examples and solutions for exact same problems we're currently facing. I immediately wanted ta take him to work and start solving our problems together.

The afternoon was again all about automation and web security. The automation talk was showing how to properly use jenkins together with ant and ansible. In security talk we got shown how easy it is to guess hashed passwords by building a crossword out of password leaks. After last session around 19:30 there was beer and free gambling for everyone. I went for poker and after two good hands I lost fast. I used the opportunity to join some nice discussions about software architecture.

Someone standing in front of a group and is looking something up on a laptop

My last day at IPC Munich started strange. The first talk I went to was about technical debts. Given by my former CTO. I just wasn't sure if I'm still angry or if I should thank him for firing me. The talk was OK. On one hand he showed that it is very important to not wait to work on technical debts. But on the other hand he showed how they managed to grow fast by ignoring them. Later I listened to Daniel Lienert talking about Elasticsearch and Kibana. Daniel showed us how to analyse data and how to put them into nice graphs with the help of Kibana.

Last session of this conference day was about automating anything with ansible. This talk was really good. Toby from Qafoo was amazing in explaining how ansible scripts look like, how they work and what you can do with them. He showed a lot of simple code every developer could easily understand and follow. The presentation was a very well prepared introduction of ansible. Something you can make immediately use off in your own projects. There should be more talks like this one.

As mentioned above I decided not to stay for second workshop day. For me the conference ended on Wednesday afternoon. Thanks to the organizers for this great event. I learned a lot about architecture and new technologies. The talks, presentations and keynotes were well selected. Thank you for that. The food was amazing. Drinks and gambling too. I had to think for quite some time in order to come up with things which maybe could be optimized.

  • Maybe consider to move Keynote after lunch. This could reduce amount of people arriving for lunch at exact same moment.
  • Probably it would be easier for participants to have every day same times when a session starts and same length of short breaks between. It was a bit confusing. I sometimes lost track when next session started.
  • In the Forum we held our talk in, was the setup where to put the laptop and where to look during talk for speaker notes a bit confusing. We had to turn around a lot. It would be good to have another screen in front of audience showing the next slide and speaker notes. Probably difficult to organize but how boring would the world be without another challenge?

Beside these minor optimization proposals everything was great and I had a great time. Thank you! Oh and after leaving the conference on Tuesday I finally got the opportunity to have a short moment in Munich's city center before I had to go on.